速報APP / 健康塑身 / Control by BJLive!

Control by BJLive!



檔案大小:25.7 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 9.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。

支援語言:法文, 義大利文, 芬蘭文, 英語, 西班牙文

Control by BJLive!(圖1)-速報App

WARNING: You need a Control+ device to use this app.

Control any device in your home from your iPad or iPhone using this customisable remote control. Thanks to its infrared learning system you will be able to control your household infrared enabled devices such as TV, HiFi, etc. With the appropriate accessories you will also control other elements like doors, lights, beds, ceiling lifts, blinds, electrical appliances and warning alarms.

Access directly using your iPhone or iPhone with any compatible access system (touchscreen, switch…).

Customise the functions and the appearance of the Control app:

· Customise the functions and the appearance of your remote

· Control everything you need as you have an unlimited number of functions

Control by BJLive!(圖2)-速報App

· Customise the buttons using the images and texts that you want. The icons gallery is included

· Customise each button's function according to your requirements

· Create as many levels as you need. Select the number of buttons and their distribution in any level

· Memorise the functions of any other remote that work with infrared

· Control different elements with the radio frequency system without having to face emitter and receiver and even from another room

· Create macros and activate a sequence of actions from a single button

· Control any switch adapted device or appliance from the switch output

· Use the switch input to control directly one device or the alarm even when the iPad or iPhone is off

支援平台:iPhone, iPad